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Meet Jo

Hi, I am Jo the founder of OptiBods for Women and the creator of the Optibods all-in-one program.

I was once a beginner with my own fitness and health and found the information available very confusing. I found following a strict eating plan of boring foods wasn’t sustainable and I realised that if I was having such an issue understanding the information available, many more must be in the same boat.

I always felt intimidated or judged in public gyms and that is why I have created such a private and personal program where no one judges anyone as we are all on the same journey, to feel good in our skin

I designed a program that TEACHES you what to eat and WHY, and also designs nutrition plans with the foods YOUR taste buds love. The foods one person may like doesn’t mean the next person will and visa versa. Each nutrition plan is custom-designed for each individual's health and energy requirements, including those suffering, but not limited to, menopause, diabetes, PCOS, insulin resistance, autoimmune disorders, hypothyroidism, food allergies, celiac, etc .. as well as those who have had gastric surgery.

The fitness side of the program is designed with the same principles that female bikini competitors use.

Sculpting the body with weights has so many advantages, it builds strength and stronger bones along with burning up to 3.5 x more calories than cardio exercise

I understand the many injuries, and weaknesses and also how to rehabilitate these problems and build your confidence in using your body properly again.

I pride my gym on being different to other gyms and we are exclusively for women that want to better themselves. We are a group of supportive and encouraging women who are all on the same journey. We have clients ranging from 13-84yo.


I don’t have cardio machines in my gym for 2 reasons,

1, I don’t believe you should pay money to a personal trainer to have to walk a treadmill or ride a bike.

2. I believe walking riding etc should be done in your own leisure time if you wish, and out in the fresh air taking in nature’s beauty.


At the beginning of each person's program, you are assessed for your basic abilities and your program is designed from there.

We ease you into your sessions within your abilities to keep the pain level tolerable and minimal. The ladies always tell me the first few days are the worst of it (not bad though) and after that, you are on your way and are looking forward to their next session.

We are with you 100% of your journey and will keep adjusting your program where and when it is needed.

We are also very strict on technique to keep you safe.


All pricing options include;

A 7-day nutrition plan (30+pages) complete with our own delicious healthy recipes and a shopping list as well as access to monthly Nutrition Seminars


We Believe knowledge is power, so we are here to empower you with the tools to succeed!

Come check us out, we are all really friendly, supportive and non-judgmental. Xx

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